
Beaver_CMYK_multi_linear (1)

Beaver Scouts are young people usually aged between six and eight years old. They belong to the first and youngest Section in the Scouting family. Young people can join Beaver Scouts in the three months leading up to their sixth birthday. They can move to the next Section, Cub Scouts, between eight and eight years six months.
Easily recognised by their distinctive turquoise sweatshirts, Beaver Scouts enjoy making friends, playing games, going on visits and helping others. They usually meet together once a week in a Beaver Scout Colony.


Beavers will enjoy a great deal of fun and adventure whilst in the Colony, which will lead to the award of badges to wear on their uniform. These are given in recognition of the effort made at their own level of understanding and development.
Each year some outdoor events and activities are undertaken e.g. Crate Climbing, Grass Sledging, Orienteering and Hikes, we also offer at least one Sleepover (usually not much sleeping done) for our Beavers to enjoy. We also attend various events put on by both the District and County teams.


Our Beavers currently meet on Tuesday evening 7pm – 8pm. 


Last year our Beavers took part in a number of activities including:

District Hike Castle Ward
Christmas at Ark Farm

Plant and Play
Scout Service 
St George’s Day Parade
NI Beaver Rally Day

Fun Day

Trip to Pets at Home

Bug Hunt at Mount Stewart

Pirate Themed Sleepover


Our Beavers gained numerous Activity and Challenge Badges.